
class grassmanntn.arith.grassmann_number(data, generator)

An object representing a Grassmann number.


This is a class definition function. To define a new Grassmann variable, use set_anticommutative() instead.


  • data: numpy.ndarray

    A vector containing all the coefficients. \(C_{i_1i_2\cdots i_n}\) (vectorized).

  • generator: a list of str

    A list of symbols for Grassmann generators \(\theta_1,\theta_2,\cdots,\theta_n\).


  • out: grassmann_number

    A Grassmann number \(\psi=\sum_{i_1,i_2,\cdots,i_n}C_{i_1i_2\cdots i_n}\theta_1^{i_1},\theta_2^{i_2},\cdots,\theta_n^{i_n}\).


  • size: int

    Returns the size of the Grassmann algebra containing this variable.

  • basis: list

    Returns an ordered list of str representing the generators. For data protection, this list is not modifiable.

Unary and binary operations

  • Addition: <self>+<other> and <other>+<self>

    Returns the sum of two Grassmann numbers (or scalars).

  • Multiplication: <self>*<other> and <other>*<self>

    Returns a multiplication of two Grassmann numbers (or scalars). This is not commutative in general!

  • Subtraction: <self>-<other> and <other>-<self>

    Returns the difference of two Grassmann numbers (or scalars).

  • Scalar division: <self>/<other>

    Returns the divisiion of <self> by a scalar.

  • Power: <self>^<other>

    Raising to a power of some integer. Real and complex powers are not supported.

  • Exponentiation: <other>^<self>

    Returns exp(log(<other>)*<self>). The base <other> can be any non-Grassmann scalar.

  • Unary plus: +<self>

    Returns <self>

  • Negation: -<self>

    Returns (-1)*<self>


  • is_grassmann():

    Returns True if it contains Grassmann numbers (even or odd).

  • is_even():

    Returns True if every term is Grassmann even.

  • is_odd():

    Returns True if every term is Grassmann odd.

  • get_coeff(basis=`None`):

    See get_coeff().