Basic examples


To initialize the tensor, you can import it from either a numpy.ndarray or sparse.COO object. You can also choose your Grassmann tensor to be stored in a dense or sparse format

import numpy as np
import grassmanntn as gtn

A_coeff = np.arange(4096).reshape(8,8,8,8)             # defining an 8x8x8x8 coefficient tensor
A_stats = (1,1,-1,-1)                                  # -1 is a conjugated index,
#                                                      # +1 is a non-conjugated index.
#                                                      # 0 is a bosonic index
A_dense  = gtn.dense(data=A_coeff, statistic=A_stats)  # defining a dense grassmann tensor
A_sparse = gtn.sparse(data=A_coeff, statistic=A_stats) # defining a sparse grassmann tensor

The two formats can be switched at any time

A_dense = gtn.dense(A_sparse)

Every function in this package is agnostic to the tensor format.


Typically, when two tensors are contracted, appropriate sign factor must be multiplied due to the Grassmann anti-commutativity; e.g., for \(\mathcal{A}_{\bar\psi\phi}=\sum_{I,J}A_{IJ}\bar\psi^I\phi^J\) and \(\mathcal{B}_{\eta\bar\phi}=\sum_{I,J}B_{IJ}\eta^I\bar\phi^J\), we have

\[\mathcal{C}_{\bar\psi\eta}=\int d\bar\phi d\phi e^{-\bar\phi\cdot\phi}\mathcal{A}_{\bar\psi\phi}\mathcal{B}_{\eta\bar\phi}=\sum_{I,J,K}(A_{IJ}B_{KJ}s_{JK})\bar\psi^I\eta^K\]

where, for \(I=(i_1,i_2,\cdots i_m)\in\{0,1\}^m\), \(J=(j_1,j_2,\cdots j_n)\in\{0,1\}^n\), and \(K=(k_1,k_2,\cdots k_l)\in\{0,1\}^l\), we have to introduce the sign factor

\[s_{JK}=\left(\prod_{a < b}(-)^{j_aj_b}\right)\times\left(\prod_{a,b}(-)^{j_ak_b}\right).\]

In the coding, we have to write the sign factor down explicitly—hardcoded. This is not a good idea if your algorithm involves a lot of contractions with many indices.

In this package, the contraction can be as simple as writing

C = gtn.einsum('IJ,KJ->IK',A,B)

where A, B, and C belong to a class of Grassmann tensor. A Grassmann tensor object contains every necessary information for the computation; e.g., the coefficient tensor and the statistic of the indices.

Tensor decompositions

Tensor decomposition can also be done in an equally simple way. For example, if we want to decompose \(\mathcal{A}_{\psi_1\psi_2\bar\psi_3\bar\psi_4}\) into \(\mathcal{X}_{\psi_1\psi_2\eta}\) and \(\mathcal{Y}_{\bar\eta\bar\psi_3\bar\psi_4}\), this can be done with a few lines of code

U, Λ, V = A_dense.svd('ij,kl')
X = gtn.einsum( 'ija,ab -> ijb', U, gtn.sqrt(Λ))
Y = gtn.einsum( 'ab,bkl -> akl', gtn.sqrt(Λ), V)

You can also use the method .eig() instead of .svd() if your tensor is a Hermitian Grassmann matrix.

Hermitian conjugation

Hermitian conjugate of a Grassmann tensor can be computed using the .hconjugate() method

cU = U.hconjugate('ij,a')

Of course, you need to identify the index separation first (in this case, it is ij and a). Hermitian conjugate is only well-defined when the indices are separated into two groups, corresponding to the two matrix indices. After the conjugation, the indices are now arranged as aij.